May has been a wonderful month for our little family. Oliver is getting more and more fun every day. We have had some great weather too. May also marked the beginning of my mom's 3-day a week nanny duty and Mike's return to work. Oliver is 5 months old now and 16 and a half pounds of happy baby. His personality is really starting to come out and I have to say he is pretty funny! These pictures are just a snapshot of the good times we are having with him...
One day Oliver decided that it was going to be a day full of making fart noises with his lips.... 
Not sure where he came up with that one...

Another new development has been Oliver's love of being tossed around. Daddy discovered this of course, but he genuinely loves it. He laughs and laughs until Daddy's arms are sore!

Isn't he the happiest baby you ever saw?
And handsome too!
Our first meal of the season outside. That bouncy chair sure was great while it lasted...sadly, he's not that interested in it anymore. Now he just wants to sit on someone's lap.
Oliver's first meal: Bacon, biscuits and eggs! I think his eyes were too big for his tummy!

Mike's first run with Oliver in the jogging stroller (thanks Derek and Dawn!). These days it is one of the only ways Oliver will have a nap...good exercise so I guess I can't complain too much.

Grandma's first day on the job. Oliver sure loves spending so much time with grandma. She spoils that baby rotten!

Another new development has been Oliver's love of being tossed around. Daddy discovered this of course, but he genuinely loves it. He laughs and laughs until Daddy's arms are sore!
Isn't he the happiest baby you ever saw?
Oliver's first meal: Bacon, biscuits and eggs! I think his eyes were too big for his tummy!
Grandma's first day on the job. Oliver sure loves spending so much time with grandma. She spoils that baby rotten!
This is how I found Oliver one day when grandma was watching him...
I loved reading about and seeing these pictures of Oliver. He is so adorable! His smile is the best...he looks so happy. :)