Friday, February 27, 2009

Two Months Old!!

Oliver is 2 months old and is now smiling (when he is awake) quite a bit. Here's the video to prove it:

Here is a link to some more photos:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sleep Smiles

Oliver has started flashing some smiles while he is sleeping in the past week or so. Until now they were very fleeting and I could never capture them on camera in time. But yesterday he had a few long stretches of smiles and I was able to take these snapshots from the video I took (the video is at the end if anyone is interested)

This one isn't technically a smile, more of a snarl I guess. Or maybe he is dreaming of Elvis!
Here's the Video:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Play time and bath time

Oliver is now 7 weeks old and is doing a lot more playing and interacting with his environment. He even went on his first play date with Evelyn (my friend Kati's 2 week old baby girl), although there wasn't much playing going on yet... His little personality is starting to show more and more every day. We have a baby gym and a "tummy time" mat that he plays on every day, although he usually ends up passing out at some point!

When he is concentrating really hard he makes this clucking noise and even yelps a bit. He is getting much better at holding his head up too so all the hard work is paying off (and his head is not getting flat in the back)!

Here's a video of him in action:

After all that hard work playing, he needs a bath! He really likes the warm water and seems like he would stay in there all day if we let him...We had to get a picture to show his future girlfriends!

This is my favorite part of bath time! He is so cuddly and sweet!

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

McDonell Men

I am so grateful to have a wonderful husband who adores his little boy. I love taking pictures of the two of them playing or are just a few snapshots of the new daddy and his son.

On the floor playing

Watching TV

Taking a nap together after work

They were both snoring and I have an awesome video of it bit Mike won't let me post it...

Oliver loves his daddy

Mike was so excited to get a photo with the "three McDonell men".

Grandpa holding his first grandchild

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