Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bedtime routine

I have been doing the same bedtime routine with Oliver since he was about 2 months old. First we turn on his African bedtime songs CD, turn on the fan, change his diaper and dress him for bed. Then I feed him and I read him the same story - On the Night You Were Born - a book that Mike bought us for St. Nicholas day before Oliver was born. Then I put him in his crib and swaddle him up. While he has had a few nights where he had difficulty falling asleep, that is really rare - waking up in the middle of the night, well that's a different story...but he has always gone to bed really easily. I would like to think that our routine has something to do with that. Oliver knows what's coming next and seems to really enjoy that now. Especially the story, which I have memorized. As soon as I start saying it, he smiles and laughs. It is the sweetest thing.


  1. I found you through my friend Sarah Ackers because I have been trying the Ferber method just recently. My son is 6 almost 7 months old. He goes down great at night but naps are HARD. Do you use the same routine at naptime? If you have time would love to hear from you?



  2. Hi Jamie! I read the Ferber book and I think it really works, but you have to be flexible because if there is anything wrong (e.g., has to burp, is too hot, etc) it makes it worse to wait out the crying. Anyway, naps are also a struggle for us - he has three different people watching him during the week and we all do different things to help him nap. I try to put him down when he is sleepy looking and have him fall asleep in the pack n play (where he naps), but my mom and husband tend to rock him to sleep and then put him down. I also take him for a run in the stroller and he will almost always fall asleep then. Basically, we do whatever we can to help him sleep during the day, and it doesn't seem to impact his night time sleep much - he can still fall asleep on his own at night. I think it would be better if the naptime routine was consistent but it isn't practical for us. Good luck!
