We celebrated Independence day with Mike's family in Quincy, WA. It was Oliver's first trip to Eastern Washington. His grandma bought a highchair for Oliver and his cousin Savannah to use when they visit - Oliver liked it a lot - thanks Grandma!
Grandma and Oliver were very happy to see each other!

Early in the morning on the 4th, we all headed over to George, Washington (yes, you read that right) for some small town USA fun. They had the worlds largest cherry pie, a parade and a road race. Oliver was all decked out in red, white and blue for the occasion.
This is auntie Laura and Oliver waiting for the parade to start. He loves his auntie!
Mike and his friend Derek ran the 10 km race. Mike is training for a marathon in October, so he had to run 18 miles that day. Since Quincy is 10 miles from George, he thought it would be a good idea to run there before the race...needless to say, he was not one of the top finishers. Derek on the other hand, won the race! And his whole family ran the 2 mile race too. Very impressive. This is Derek running with Mike as he crossed the finish line quite a while later...

This baby is so social, he loves meeting new people. But luckily he always has time to snuggle with his mama : )
Early in the morning on the 4th, we all headed over to George, Washington (yes, you read that right) for some small town USA fun. They had the worlds largest cherry pie, a parade and a road race. Oliver was all decked out in red, white and blue for the occasion.
After the race, we all stuck around for the parade. Lots of classic cars, horses and tractors in this parade.
By this time, it was getting pretty hot (at least 97 degrees that day!) so we headed back to Laura and Andrew's house for an awesome lunch before heading out to the Quincy Aquatic Center in the afternoon. Oliver LOVES the water! One thing that is nice about small towns is the ample parking and lack of crowds anywhere. If this place was in Seattle on a hot day, we would have probably not even gotten in the door.
After lots of playing in the water, we headed to our blanket in the shade to dry off. Oliver was having a great day with so many people to play with. I even got an ellusive picture of his two little bottom teeth he was smiling so much.
He is always happy to be held by anyone who wants to. We spent the day at the water park with our great friends Derek and Dawn and their two kids Trent and Grace. Trent is 5 and is quite enamored with Oliver. He was asking to hold him all day and when he finally did, Oliver almost knocked him over!
Grace is 10 and very much a young lady. She was so sweet and gentle with Oliver - she's going to be a great little babysitter in a few years!
After a long day in the heat, Oliver passed out at 4:30 in the afternoon for his first nap of the day! There was so much to see and do, he didn't want to miss a second of it. Now only if he would have slept that night...
That was fun to read and see all your pictures from the day. Oliver is such a sweet little guy, and so very loved by a whole lot of people!