Well, I'm due today and still no baby... This baby is already 5 weeks older than Oliver was when he was born! Which means I have been pregnant for a whole month longer this time! I am pretty huge (as you can see below), but otherwise I am doing pretty well. We didn't have to wait with Oliver so this is a very new experience for us. Hopefully he decides to come on his own in the next week. Our doctor is planning to have him out on June 7 at 12:30PM if he doesn't come on his own before then. I am doing a lot of walking and trying to both rest for the big day and stay busy at the same time. We went for a 3 hour walk this morning, but no luck...We are ready to meet this little one (hopefully he is staying "little"). Fernanda is also still waiting...we are hoping we have them on the same day too : )

The (one) nice thing about having a high risk pregnancy has been all the ultrasounds we have had. We have already seen this baby 8 times (and another one is scheduled for Wednesdayf he's still in there). Here is the progression from 8 to 39 weeks. I took a LOT of pictures of Oliver, but this little guy already has him beat! Hopefully the next picture we post will be of us meeting him in person...
8 weeks |
12 weeks |
17 weeks (It's a boy!) |
21 weeks |
28 weeks |
32 weeks |
38 weeks |
39 weeks |
Hopefully the next photo posted will be of us meeting our little man! Stay tuned....
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