It has been a busy two months, but I am finally getting to updating the blog...Mike trained for 5 months to get ready for the Boston Marathon on April 19. We packed up Oliver and flew to Boston a few days before. The plane ride was a challenge but he did as good as could be expected. We went through a lot of snacks and books and toys! Once we got to the hotel, Oliver went wild rolling around on the big comfy bed. He was loving all the new sights and experiences.
We then headed out to the marathon expo to meet Josh, who came to run the marathon with Mike. On the way, we stopped by the finish line for a little inspiration. Mike even wore his highschool track sweatshirt...
We met up with Josh for a great dinner of pasta (what else?) the night before the race. It was a pretty fancy place to take Oliver, but he did a great job. It was so nice to get to catch up with Josh and so wonderful that he came all the way to share this experience with Mike.
Mike had to leave on the morning of the race at 6AM (Eastern Time!), after a night of very little sleep (nerves and street noise outside our hotel). Oliver and I slept well and got to sleep in. Then we headed out to see a little of Boston before going to cheer Daddy on. We walked all around the Boston Public Garden. We saw the "make way for ducklings" statues, saw the duck boats and smelled a lot of tulips. Oliver loved being able to walk wherever he wanted (within reason) rather than being picked up constantly for getting into something. We then walked around some old neighborhoods with cobblestone streets and finally made our way to the finish line.

Unfortunately, the streets were all blocked off and we couldn't get to the actual finish line, but we found a spot just past it. We even stopped to make a sign. After about an hour waiting, Mike and Josh did go by, but they were on the other side of the street and didn't hear me and all the people standing near us yelling their names! We found them at the meet up area though.
We got Oliver his own marathon shirt...who knows maybe he will be back here some day. After the race, we packed up and drove to Cape Cod to spend the rest of the week....