Oliver is 2 months old and is now smiling (when he is awake) quite a bit. Here's the video to prove it:
Here is a link to some more photos:
Oliver is 2 months old and is now smiling (when he is awake) quite a bit. Here's the video to prove it:
Here is a link to some more photos:
Oliver is now 7 weeks old and is doing a lot more playing and interacting with his environment. He even went on his first play date with Evelyn (my friend Kati's 2 week old baby girl), although there wasn't much playing going on yet... His little personality is starting to show more and more every day. We have a baby gym and a "tummy time" mat that he plays on every day, although he usually ends up passing out at some point!
When he is concentrating really hard he makes this clucking noise and even yelps a bit. He is getting much better at holding his head up too so all the hard work is paying off (and his head is not getting flat in the back)!